Connect with RTF

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J’vanetÉ Becton Skiba


J'vaneté helps propel the vision of creating a more compassionate and resilient community where everyone can thrive by partnering with community leaders and organizations to offer thought leadership, facilitation and collaboration, and training in trauma-informed/resilience-focused practices. She is passionate about working for the Resiliency Task Force and strives to bring resilience skills to the community while making connections across sectors from educators to first responders to businesses. J'vanete has a BA in Communication Studies from UNC Wilmington (’03) and a minor degree in English and is working toward her M. Ed in Neuroscience and Trauma. She is a certified Community Resiliency Model teacher, a certified Reconnect for Resilience Educator, and a Youth Mental Health First Aider. She leads the work of the task force’s subcommittees, and coordinates all in person and virtual movie screenings as well as workshops for the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) and Reconnect for Resilience (Reconnect) . J’vaneté joined the staff of the Resiliency Task Force in January 2020 and was promoted to director in September of 2023.

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Steering Committee

Current Members: Rev. Cliff Barnett (Co-Chair), Bo Dean (Co-Chair), Lisa Brenner, Kimberley Cheatham, Judge J. H. Corpening, Louise Hicks, Lynette McFayden, Jane Morrow, Tonya Jackson, Cara Stretch, and Cristen Williams.

Many of our Steering Committee Members and committee chairs are pictured here working on our original Strategic Plan.

Communities in Schools of Cape Fear serves as the fiscal agent for RTF.



In 2016, a few child and education focused non-profits began meeting to collaborate around efforts to improve 3rd grade reading outcomes. Following the First 2000 Days Summit screening of the film Resilience  by Smart Start of New Hanover County in February 2018, the group gained momentum, expanding to include several other New Hanover County entities and systems, and focused its efforts on addressing social determinants of health as it related to ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences). With a planning grant from the Duke Endowment, a blueprint was created and the effort was named the Resiliency Task Force (RTF).

task force Structure

The work of the Resiliency Task Force is done by the Director and the members of the four subcommittees: Childhood, Health, First Responders & Justice, and Community. (Anyone can join a subcommittee. Simply visit our calendar to learn more and register for the applicable meeting(s).) The Steering Committee oversees the work of the staff and subcommittees and helps to guide the direction of the Task Force at large.

RTF serves as an NC Child Advocacy Network Hub. Staff also represent RTF on other coalitions such as the Resilient North Carolina Collaborating Coalition, the Healthy and Resilient Communities Initiative, the Cape Fear Coalition for a Drug Free Community, the Family Support Network, and the New Hanover County Disaster Coalition.

RTF Partners

Over 100 organizations have participated in the Resiliency Task Force meetings, seminars and subcommittee tasks over the past five years. Of those, 56 have signed the Belief Statement and committed to becoming a trauma-informed organization.

Click here for a list of our current Partners with hyperlinks to their websites.

A survey to assess organizational readiness was conducted in 2020. To read the final report, click here.

Connect with Other Coalitions


Resilient Brunswick county

Resilient Brunswick County works to increase awareness of ACEs, trauma-informed practices and resiliency. They hope to be a guiding light leading Brunswick County to a brighter tomorrow.

Contact Bonnie Jordan for more information at

pender county resiliency task force

The Pender County Resiliency Task Froce is dedicated to building a strnger, more trauma-informed community by increasing awareness and eeucation of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs>

For more information contact Amy Read at

Resilient North Carolina

The Resilient North Carolina website shares resources and best practices and connects the individuals and organizations working on creating a state where everyone can thrive. Learn more about healing-centered work across the state, grounded in racial equity and lifting the voices of community members, especially those with lived experience

national PAces connection

PACEs Connection connects those from across the nation and world who are working to reduce ACEs and help those who have experienced trauma. Click below to be taken to the New Hanover County page on their website.