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Steering Committee Retreat

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New Hanover County Resiliency Task Force

Steering Committee Retreat

July 27, 2020

Government Center - Room 500

Co-Facilitators:  Mebane Boyd (NHCRTF), Ashley Wells (UNCW)


8:30-8:50 (20 min)

·         Welcome

·         Group Openers

 Mebane, Scott, Ashley

8:50- 9:10 (20 min)

·         Spotlight: Organization Assessments

 Mebane, Ashley, Committee

9:10-9:15 (5 min)

·         Bio Break

 9:15- 9:30 (15 min)

·         Highlight Reel: RTF in Action

·         Assessing Progress (Duke Needs Assessment)

 Ashley, Mebane, Committee

9:30-9:50 (20 min)

·         NC CHILD

 Adam Sotak


10:00-10:20  (20 min)

·         NC Partnership for Children – Theory of Change towards Resilience

 Liz Bynum

 10:20- 10:30 (10 min)

·         Bio Break

 10:30-11:00  (30 min)

·         Provocative Statements: Dreaming your future

 Ashley, Pairs

11:00- 11:45 (45 min)

·         ‘Goose Eggs’: Designing your future

 Ashley, Committee

11:45-12:00 (15 min)

·         Wrap Up & Next Steps

 Ashley, Mebane, Committee

3 hr 30 min