Mission, Vision, & Values
Working together to prevent and respond to adverse experiences, trauma, and toxic stress through connection, education, and action
New Hanover County is a compassionate and resilient community where everyone can thrive.
COLLABORATION: We believe “healing happens in relationships and in the meaningful sharing of power and decision-making.” We foster a respectful environment where everyone “feels physically and psychologically safe.” We encourage and empower everyone to participate.
INCLUSION: We seek out, value, and elevate a variety of voices, strengths, and perspectives to reflect the lived experiences in our community. We know our work is stronger when our members come from diverse backgrounds, histories, and cultures.
EQUITY: We “actively move past cultural stereotypes and biases.” We commit to understanding, supporting, and responding “to the racial, ethnic, and cultural needs of individuals” and “recognize…and address historical trauma,” particularly for those who have been historically marginalized. We also advocate for others to do the same.
EMPATHY: We recognize and are sensitive to the emotions and distress of others, as well as how their nervous systems respond. We attempt to understand their perspective and communicate our support.
COMPASSION: We recognize our shared humanity and are inspired by empathy to help alleviate the suffering of others.
INTEGRITY: We are honest and transparent in our decision-making and communications “with the goal of building and maintaining trust.” To further strengthen our trustworthiness, we ensure our work is grounded in knowledge and methodologies that are data-driven and evidence-based.
Quotes are from SAMHSA’s Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach (2014), specifically Six Principles of a Trauma-Informed Approach: Safety; Trustworthiness & Transparency; Peer Support; Collaboration & Mutuality; Empowerment & Choice; and Cultural, Historical & Gender Issues.
In 2019, the Resiliency Task Force worked together on a strategic plan to guide its work in the community. The task force began clarifying and revising this plan in 2023. The updated 2024-2027 Strategic Plan reflects a months long process of qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis and review. It aligns our work with the "pain points" identified by our members as subcommittee priorities. These “pain points” are intimate partner violence, youth mental health, and maternal health (especially Black maternal health). The 2024-2027 Strategic Plan is anchored in the pillars of how we do the work: connection, education, and action. With it, we will be able to collectively address the link between these "pain points" and ACEs with a multi-sector collaborative approach.
Belief Statement
Click HERE to read our Belief Statement.
Fifty-five organizations in New Hanover County have signed our belief statement expressing their commitment to our mission and vision and using an action plan to become trauma informed. For information on how your organization can become a Partner, contact J’vanete Skiba at jvanete@ciscapefear.org .
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New Hanover County Resiliency Task Force!